Bedford is a strong believer in the promotion of community revitalization, family legacies, and the education of the next generation of urban builders, real estate professionals, entrepreneurs, and community change agents.

To that end, in partnership with urban X marketing, Bedford has developed TBG Academy, a promotional network of various educational and professional programs geared helping minority students and professionals enter into the world of real estate development. 

Real Estate Associate Program, Los Angeles

TBG Academy

The Real Estate Associate Program, Los Angeles (“REAP-LA”), a ten-week Professional Development Program geared towards helping Minority Professionals and College Students gain training and access in the Commercial Real Estate Industry.

Since the launch of the REAP Los Angeles Chapter in 2010, Bedford has been a Local Program Sponsor, as well as have had members of its staff participate as Program Instructors and Mentors.

For more information on the Real Estate Associate Program, please visit: